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These are some of the printable comments received about the ScottyWeb site. ( The editor retains the right to adjust the content as they see fit )

I had a quick look at your changes when i saw the among giants on, looks good. I think you should get 30-50 clicks a week on the among giants link on a good week, you get more visitors than me at the moment.

Yes, I have got the video. So many people told me about the film I just had to get it.

I SAW THIS AND THOUGHT OF YOU LOT HA HA !   (the picture has been withheld)

You are going Pink Pylon crazy! Have you thought about seeking treatment?

Its not my web page, its just my domain that i have pointed to a friends page coz i cant be bithered doing one.. im glad to here that you are leaving, its about time, I find it hilarious .. hahahaha...

nice try, glad im not paying to look at the site. HADDOK

Your own site is very good - you have obviously spent some time in USA. Keep up the good work

Thanks. You have some good photos - I particularly like some of the Monument Valley shots, and the second Grand Canyon sunset. Not sure about the pylons though :)

I've got a picture of a pink pylon to add to my site which I pass on the way home!! Honestly, it is genuine.
Yeah - like the elephant of the same colour in the next field!

later: What a picture of contrasts - with the threatening sky and the sharp shadows from a bright Sun! Nice one.

You could do worse than dump the spider and the ripply water stuff. This is known as eye candy and doesn't contribute to the professionalism of the site. I looked at a number of photos of the USA and thought many were in the 'very good' to 'excellent' class - well done! Why do some pylons have vertical insulators and others have horizontal ones?


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